Friday, April 1, 2011

Another Fresh Start

Gahhh! Dah tiba masanya mengangkat "senjata"

It's been a long time since aku tak buat apa-apa post kat wall aku ni.. Well,my blog kinda rusty for the past few years..Guess it's because i'm busy with all my shitty bussiness at the Uni..Jiwa menulis memang ku akui dah ada dalam diri ni but too bad kesibukan memaksa aku untuk melupakan minat kecik aku ni,huish! (sounds cliche,whatever!) :p

Anyway a glimpse about how i'm doing for the past few years,now i'm in year 2 at KUPUSB. Life here's not bad except for being busy all the time. Lots of assignments and last but not least the secondary tasks always piling up,fuck em'. So all we have to do is just wait and wait till the semester break holiday arrive..(--)"

The countdown for our graduation day is just 2 more years. So that means 2 tahun lagi laa aku terpaksa keje rajin-rajin kat sini. I wonder how can i survive here memandangkan aku kekurangan kawan sejati..I got a lot of friends,but true friends?naaah! Limited edition beb! *sigh*

Hurmm..I guess that's all for this post. Bytheway i'm so sorry,all the previous posts have been deleted,tak syok laa bila baca post lama,kan kan~ Kita kan mahu wajah baru,inovasi baru,idea baru..Sudah atuuu~=p Bahh,till next time! 

p/s:  Niccolo Machiavelli once wrote , "He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command." DAMN TRUE!!!

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