Monday, April 11, 2011

Same Theory Just Different Bullshit? Or The Other Way Around?

Do you know how it feels to live in hypocrisy? can you spot a perfect candidate for a hypocrite? well fags,lemme tell ya~

we always heard alot of stories about this un-saint stuff. It is common that we're told that being a hypocrite is not a good thing to do. well mahn, your momma's RIGHT! i'm willing to bet my balls that this shit is 100% clinically proven.Why? Because i said so! HA HA! no lahh.. i've got my own theory down here so please spare some time to open your eyes,heart and mind to think carefully about this shit..


I hate em' but i must admit that this titties were talented actors.. They preach moral and religious values this and that on a daily basis mengalahkan Ahmad Deedat but they failed to practice even a single damn thing that were spewed out from their filthy mouths. FUCKING SIYALLLL KANNNNN~ it's feels like reminiscing George W. Bush "war on terror" drama for Afghanistan & Iraq. Apparently the statistic shows that it was the civilians that were mainly fucked-up by the military operatives compared to the insurgents (the real target). kinda feel sorry for the loss of our sand hoo!

So back to the main issue.

I think this subspecies don't deserve to live at all..They are much worse than a third world stray dog,well at least those dogs were honest about their naughty doggy habits in the public. *wink* Even in Islam they've got their own nicknames for this mofo, the munafiks. That's the way of addressing those coward dickheads who harbour hatred and anger toward Islam in secrets while maintaining their so-called mukmin life. good job bitches. NOT!

So what's your POV bout this? arghhh.. i'm done with this. *stop writing*

p/s: hate it when people do certain things or talk shit about other people but they do it themselves.

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